Intra-Generational Social Class Mobility in Hungary
Between 1992 and 2007—the Role of Self-Confidence
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TARKI Social Research Institute
Publication date: 2011-09-27
Polish Sociological Review 2011;175(3)
This paper analyses the intra-generational social class mobility in Hungary between 1992 and
2007 using Hungarian panel data. Social class position is used as an occupation based typology corrected
with a social status index (containing income, wealth and housing dimension). Self-confidence reflected
respondents’ problem solving skills, determination, efficacy and optimism. Mobilizing the gain of panel
data self-confidence was set to be stable over time and was measured prior to social class position (in order
to avoid endogenity). The results of multivariate logit models showed that self-confidence has an impact
on working class and deprived class position in 2007, even after controlling prior class position measured
in 1992. People with high self-confidence were less likely represented in the deprived position and were
more likely to belong to the working class. The decomposition of total effects of self-confidence into direct
and indirect effects (mediated by schooling) revealed that in the case of higher status, social classes (elite,
upper middle class, and middle class) self-confidence also had a significant impact however this was mainly
transmitted through the channel of education.
I would like to thank the anonymous reviewer, and also Tamás Bartus, Tamás Kolosi and Péter Róbert for their useful comments. Remaining errors are solely mine.