The Usability of Scenario Studies:
the Case of the EUruralis from the Users’ Perspective
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Publication date: 2012-03-21
Polish Sociological Review 2012;177(1):91-106
Scenario studies are seen as useful tools to support planning and decision making processes
because they provide integrated projections of future trends and developments and their impacts on land
use. They play an important role in facilitating cooperation and interaction at the science policy interface.
This article contributes to new understandings of the role of science-based tools and instruments such as
scenario studies at the science-policy interface. It uses a theoretical framework that connects the criteria
of credibility, salience and legitimacy to the concepts of coproduction and boundary object to analyze
the EUruralis project; a scenario study that addresses the future of agriculture and rural development
in Europe. The findings demonstrate that aspects related to legitimacy contributed to the capacity of
the EUruralis to function as a boundary object between the scientists and policymakers involved. They
also show how cooperation in the EUruralis project resulted in joint learning and reflection. The article
concludes by discussing the role of the EUruralis as a boundary object and connecting the findings to the
concept of coproduction.