Attitudes Towards the Welfare State and Associational Involvement
in Europe. Comparative Analysis
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AGH University of Sciene and Technology
Publication date: 2020-12-16
Polish Sociological Review 2020;212(4):445-460
This paper examines a hypothesis that there is a negative correlation between the activity in social
organizations and the support for the welfare state. The hypothesis was inspired by the study showing a reinforcing
effect of welfare spending on social capital indicators and a negative substitution effect on informal solidarity (van
Oorschot, Arts and Halman 2005). The analysis was performed using data from the 2008/2016 European Social
Survey, taking into consideration additional sociodemographic variables. The results revealed a lack of correlation
between the associational activity and the support for the welfare state, and a relatively coherent pattern of impact
of the control variables on associational activity.