The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge in Poland
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University of Texas at Arlington
Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Publication date: 2016-03-30
Polish Sociological Review 2016;193(1):33-48
This paper utilizes nationally representative survey data to examine the gender gap in political knowledge in Poland. Political knowledge was assessed by asking respondents to indicate whether each of twelve national political parties was currently in the ruling coalition. We use motivation, ability, and opportunity to explain political knowledge. We predict answering ‘don’t know’ as well as answering all questions correctly. Political interest, educational attainment, previous voting behavior, having children, and age predict ‘don’t know’ responses for men and women. Having access to cable or satellite TV appears to reduce ‘don’t know’ responses, but only for men. All else being equal, men and women are equally likely to answer ‘don’t know.’ Political interest, educational attainment, previous voting behavior, age, and self-esteem predict perfect scores for women and men. Religious attendance increases perfect scores, but only for women. The gender gap in perfect scores remains significant despite controls.
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