Rural Fee Reform and the Changing Relationship between State and Peasant
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Beijing University
Publication date: 2009-09-29
Polish Sociological Review 2009;167(3):373-398
This paper is exploring the Rural Fee Reform from 2002 and its effect on the relationship between state and peasant. Based on the studies in 12 townships, 6 counties, the author found that the basis of local government finance had been transformed from rural fees and taxes to inter-governmental transfers and debts. This may cause some fundamental changes in state–peasant relationship: the ties between local government and peasant are becoming loose and the state power might start to retreat from rural societies.
This article is a part of research project results of National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. The cooperation ofWorld Bank and Ministry of Finance are appreciated. Author’s grateful thanks are also due to Yi Xing, Xie Guihua and Qu Jingdong for their valuable suggestions, and to Luo Ming for editing. The original paper was published in Sociological Studies (Shenhuixue yanjiu in Chinese), 2006 No. 3: 1–38. Author is responsible for any errors in this article.
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