Economics of New Pragmatism in Contemporary Society: Identity, Aims, Method
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Kozminski University
Publication date: 2021-12-14
Polish Sociological Review 2021;216(4):431-450
Modern economic thought does not provide a satisfactory explanation of current socio-economic reality, nor does it propose effective methods for solving the world’s mounting problems, especially at the macroeconomic and macrosocial level. The “beyond-GDP” reality requires a “beyond-GDP” economic theory on which to base a development strategy which is triply balanced—economically, socially, and ecologically. The new goal of economic activity cannot be a simple maximization of profit and a quantitative increase in production. The interests of private capital should be subordinated to long-term public interests through a re-institutionalization of the market economy. The enormous changes occurring in technology, the economy, society, culture, and the natural environment force us to abandon orthodox economics and look for innovative economic views. One such approach would be a new pragmatism—an eclectic, interdisciplinary theory focused on a future-oriented socioeconomic policy.
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