Bridging Borders, Breaking Barriers:
Gender Politics and Polish Migrant Activism in the UK
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Submission date: 2024-04-04
Acceptance date: 2024-10-02
Publication date: 2025-03-17
Polish Sociological Review 2025;229(1):33-50
Migrant activism, particularly of Polish migrants in the UK, is a dynamic and interesting area in which
to exploring intersections of social movement theory, politics, and global communication. This article examines
the role of “transmigrants”—individuals who maintain ties to their home countries while living abroad. Our
analysis especially focuses on the growing political activism of Polish migrants, with an emphasis on women’s
and feminist movements, because socio-political changes in Poland after 2015 and enhanced communication
have intensified the impact of such migrant activism across Europe. Global women’s rights movements and the
intersectional, inclusive nature of contemporary activism have become crucial unifying forces and produced
transnational solidarity for women facing widespread gender discrimination. Our findings indicate that while
Polish migrant activism has been influenced by Poland’s political context, the post-Brexit situation has also
led to broader challenges for migrants, with concomitant deeper political integration and engagement in the
UK. Furthermore, this article discusses the shift in transnational political remittances from grassroots activism to
a more collaborative, mainstream approach. Drawing on networks established during the COVID-19 pandemic,
the shift has been crucial in addressing post-Brexit legal challenges. While there are similarities between feminist
activism in the UK and Poland, migrant communities have demonstrated their adaptability and resilience by
introducing unique strategies and alliances in the overseas context.
National Science Centre Poland [Narodowe Centrum Nauki], OPUS no. 2020/37/B/HS6/01748 British Academy, VF2/100640.